

Thursday 17 March 2011

‘Born This Way’ too edgy for Malaysian radio?

AMP Radio censors the Lady Gaga hit for violating ‘good taste or decency’

Fans of Mother Monster are definitely not going to be pleased as Malaysian radio stations have taken to censoring lyrics from Lady Gaga's gay-pride anthem 'Born This Way'. The offending section of the lyrics reads "No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I'm on the right track, baby," which has been replaced by incoherent gabble in an attempt to censor the offensive section.
AMP Radios, which controls popular radio network Hitz.fm, stated that the song was censored according to Malaysian law, leading prominent gay activist Phang Khee Teik to protest the decision with the statement "Lady Gaga was attempting to address this very thing (gay pride) in her song. How dare they play that song and cut out its shining heart."

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